Why You Can’t Stop The Sugar Binge Cycle On Your Own

Jenn Edden
2 min readJan 25, 2021

Here’s the thing I really want to share today… and it’s in the form of a question to help this make more sense.

Can we just stop telling ourselves and other people who struggle with sugar and wine consumption that tomorrow is a new day?

It’s honestly only a NEW day if you start making real changes to your mind and body while learning how to break the cycle of addiction for real.

I always ask women if knowing what they know about sugar being a socially acceptable legalized drug… (read that twice!!)

If they would:

Tell a cocaine addict who just took a “hit” to do better tomorrow??
Tell them to get help from an expert who has been there and figured it out??

You see the problem we have in our society is that cocaine is seen as a drug and wine and sugar are NOT and therefore …

It’s socially acceptable to drink or eat a drug and feel out of control because no one sees it as a problem… BUT YOU!!

Truth be told I KNEW it was a problem for me no matter what friends, tv commercials or product packages were telling me. No sugar this!! Grain and carb free that!’

I still binged and promised myself I’d be stronger tomorrow!!

If you can relate to this — go get help.

It’s OK.

I get it and that’s why I’ve made it my life’s mission along with 6 certified Sugar Freedom Method coaches to help others learn to kick and manage their sugar addiction.

(And for the record… my body only looks the way it does because I look and feel great on the INSIDE from following the Sugar Freedom Method way of life…. and yes I still eat sugar… just not every day!)


Are you a female entrepreneur ready to take action but aren’t sure exactly what that would look like? Let’s jump on a complimentary sugar freedom strategy call and get you moving! Fill out a quick application to make sure we’re a good fit and let’s get this party started. Looking for a quick education on how to tone up, reduce the puff around the middle, and have the control you want at night so you don’t sabotage your best efforts? Watch my Sugar Freedom Method Masterclass here! Did you know I have a free Private Facebook Group where you can ask me anything? It’s for women looking to manage their wine and sweet tooth in a non-depriving way. You can join us here!



Jenn Edden

Sugar Freedom Method™ Founder, Sugar Cravings Expert, Author of Woman Unleashed, Simplifier. Hug fan of shortcuts. https://jecoaching.com/women-unleashed/