I Used To Eat My Emotions!

As a recovering sugar addict who feels confident in her ability to manage all the sugar that comes at us this time of year, I still have to keep myself in check EVERY DAY so I don’t go off the rails.

Jenn Edden
2 min readDec 21, 2020


I know that refined sugar can do that. And that’s a rabbit hole I consciously don’t go down anymore!

But truthfully if you’re reading this and can totally relate please know you’re NOT alone this holiday season.

The holidays are rough for all of us…even the so called “experts”. I have to take extra care of myself and stay super conscious of my energy and body and what it’s telling me because it speaks loud and clear if you take the time to listen.


Take extra special care of yourself every day.

This is not the time of year to leave the relaxation and unwinding to the weekends. Weekends aren’t relaxing so you’ve gotta know that now and make self care a daily habit.

And don’t overthink it.

Self care can change every day depending on your schedule. For me it looks like doing a meditation if I wake up earlier enough to do one or I pause mid day and make a cup of tea- something so quick and simple yet it can get overlooked so quickly as a smart idea.


Are you a female entrepreneur ready to take action but aren’t sure exactly what that would look like?
Let’s jump on a complimentary sugar freedom strategy call and get you moving!
Fill out a quick application to make sure we’re a good fit and let’s get this party started.
Looking for a quick education on how to tone up, reduce the puff around the middle,
And have the control you want at night so you don’t sabotage your best efforts?
Watch my Sugar Freedom Method Masterclass here!
Did you know I have a free Private Facebook Group where you can ask me anything? It’s for women looking to
manage their wine and sweet tooth in a non-depriving way. You can join us here!



Jenn Edden

Sugar Freedom Method™ Founder, Sugar Cravings Expert, Author of Woman Unleashed, Simplifier. Hug fan of shortcuts. https://jecoaching.com/women-unleashed/